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TOP > Raise pigs: a beginner's guide, with human and healthy techniques for raising a pig to get meat, and understand how to also earn money【電子書籍】[ awais ali ]

Raise pigs: a beginner's guide, with human and healthy techniques for raising a pig to get meat, and understand how to also earn money【電子書籍】[ awais ali ]

<p><strong>Do you dream of raising a shepherd animal but do you have limited land, time and money?</strong> this book has a solution for you! Covering everything from buying your pig to smoking your bacon, small-scale pig breeding will show you how to produce the most meat for the least investment of time and money. <strong>This volume covers the essentials, including:</strong> ?Accommodation and equipment ?Penning and management ?Commercial feed ?Alternative feeds ?Pig digestion and physiology ?Breeding and birth ?Management techniques ?slaughter Small-scale pig breeding includes in-depth details on domestic slaughtering with detailed instructions and photos that interrupt the whole process from slaughtering to portioning the meat to the freezer. This book covers everything a beginner needs to know. What are you waiting for, go back up and click <strong>"BUY NOW"</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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